
Social Security: How to Prepare

Retirement Planning Series, Part IV In our previous newsletter, we continued the Retirement Planning section of our financial literacy series by discussing how to estimate your retirement expenses and budget. Today, we will aim to provide some strategies around the most prominent component of retirement planning for most Americans: Social Security. Despite Social Security’s seemingly […]

Current Market Drivers 11/30/2023

Here is a breakdown of where each market driver currently sits: U.S. Real GDP growth was 5.2% in the third quarter, a revision from the previously-reported 4.9%. The 5.2% growth was the strongest growth since Q4 2021, in which U.S. Real GDP growth came in at 7.0%. Part of the revision was due to both […]

Market Driver Indicators Explained

We focus on three market drivers that lead to notable movements in the stock market: economic, fundamentals, technical environment, and investor sentiment. Our Fundamental indicator follows 19 economic data points that track the underlying health of the US economy. From unemployment to homebuilding, changes in these economic data points tend to confirm recession or recovery […]

Entering the Strong Season

The Halloween Effect One of the most underappreciated traits of successful investors is the ability to set realistic expectations. Whether it is the frequency of market corrections or historic market performance,having realistic expectations allows investors to avoid the two most dangerous emotions of in-vesting: greed and fear. Today, we will discuss the seasonality of the […]

Current Market Indicators 11/15/23

Here is a breakdown of where each market driver currently sits: The U.S. Consumer Price Index (CPI) came in at 3.24% year-over-year in October, slightly higher than September’s level of 3.70%. The Core CPI, which excludes food and energy costs, came in at 4.03% year-over-year in October, lower than September’s level of 4.15%. The S&P […]

Market Corrections

As of last Friday, you may have heard that the S&P 500 index has entered a correction. In the same way a car’s engine can overheat, the stock market can overheat after periods of sustained and, more often than not, rapid growth. At the peak of these growth periods, stocks prices may have even increased […]
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