We focus on three market drivers that lead to notable movements in the stock market: economic, fundamentals, technical environment, and investor sentiment.
Our Fundamental indicator follows 19 economic data points that track the underlying health of the US economy. From unemployment to homebuilding, changes in these economic data points tend to confirm recession or recovery after the technical and sentiment indicators have already reversed.
Dynamic Asset Level Investing (D.A.L.I.) is a Technical indicator that compares each of the major asset classes, sectors, and sizes and styles against each other to discover emerging trends in the market. D.A.L.I. compares daily price action of each of these elements on a point-and-figure chart to illustrate momentum. The chart at the bottom of this page shows the current leadership in D.A.L.I.
Our Sentiment indicator tracks how everyday investors currently feel towards the U.S. economy and the stock market. Between our own polling and professional surveys like the American Association of Individual Investors (AAII) Investment Sentiment Survey and Citigroup’s Panic/Euphoria Model, we track the two most dangerous emotions for investors: fear and greed.